Bereavement Committee
The Bereavement Committee seeks to provide comfort and support to those who mourn. They prepare and deliver meals, serve at funeral gatherings by hosting receptions afterwards for families, offer prayer support and help others at a very difficult time in their lives.
Contact: Michelle Brown
(318-798-1887 x121
Community & Fellowship Committee
The Community & Fellowship Committee assists in the planning of parish events and celebrations. This committee organizes the Feast Day Celebration, Summer Dinners, and the October Events in the Grove.
Contact: Michelle Brown
(318-798-1887 x121
Embrace Grace
Embrace Grace helps women walking through the unsteady season of an unplanned pregnancy or women navigating single motherhood by connecting them to a judgement-free SEAS parish support group. Embrace Grace hosts baby showers at SEAS for these women and is a pro-life advocacy ministry. Embrace Grace meets for two sessions a year, for 12 weeks each on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm.
Contact: Stephanie Sicard
(318) 868-9028 or (318) 470-2081
Games & Gab
Seniors age 55 and up are welcome to join us each Tuesday at 11:00 AM for table games and fellowship. Bring a snack or a lunch, and come ready for a great time! Games usually last until about 1:00 PM. All are welcome!
Contact: the church office for more information.
Greeting Card Committee
The Greeting Card Committee sends birthday and get-well cards to our parishioners each month. They meet on the fourth Thursday of each month in the Burleigh Center.
Contact: Dorothy Jarzabek
(318) 865-1737
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus is a global Catholic fraternal service order of practicing Catholic men founded in 1882. Knights put their faith into action through service and the protection of families while doing the greater good. Their mission is to provide strong and visible parish leadership in building the domestic church.
Contact: Armand Canales, Grand Knight
SEAS Youth Group
The SEAS Youth Group is for students in grades 6-12. Youth Group meets every other Sunday Afternoon after 11:00 Mass. More information is available here.
Contact: Rose Fiallos
Our Lady's Ladies
Our Lady’s Ladies is a women’s circle serving our parish through hosting events and performing outreach in our church community. Our Lady’s Ladies also purchases and/or provides items and services in support of other SEAS ministries. We have great fellowship and enhance our ministry through prayer and devotion to the rosary to honor Mary, Mother of God, at our monthly meeting. The circle meets monthly in the evening to accommodate those who work or have commitments during normal business hours.
Contact: Donna Collins
(318) 426-6366
The Boy Scouts Troop 10 at our parish meets regularly on Monday nights at 6:30 in the Burleigh Center. Scouts are ages 12-18 (6th - 12th grade).
Contact: Richard Murdaugh
(318) 798-1686
SEAS for Life
SEAS for Life supports the Pro-Life mission of the Catholic Church in proclaiming all human life is a precious gift from God and focuses on praying and fasting for Pro-Life issues, collecting, understanding, and disseminating Pro-Life information and supporting agencies and organizations that support Pro-Life activities.
Contact: Michelle Brown
(318-798-1887 x121
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) is an international Catholic lay organization that offers person-to-person service to individuals in need by providing financial assistance, food or consultation. No work of charity is foreign to SVdP while members strive to grow spiritually by serving our community.
Contact: Carl Bigner
(318) 510-5161
St. Anne's Day Circle
St. Anne’s Day Circle is for the ladies of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish to develop acquaintances and to allow them to work together with a common purpose for the furtherance of social, spiritual, and service projects of the parish. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 10 am in the Burleigh Center from September through May.
Contact: Bobbie Trust
(318) 469-4285
Tuesday Rosary Group
The Rosary Group meets every Tuesday in the sanctuary to pray the Rosary at 5:30 PM. This group is open to everyone, and they would love to have you join them in prayer! The Rosary prayed at this time is also livestreamed on our social media channels and website. All are welcome!
Contact: Michelle Brown
(318) 798-1887 x121
Urgent Prayer Team
The Urgent Prayer Team is a group who share the mobile phone connected to our Urgent Prayer Line. Team members take calls and share the prayer need with the rest of the team who are always standing ready to storm Heaven with our urgent petitions.
Contact: Teresa Lynch
Yarn Angels
Yarn Angels is a knitting and crocheting ministry whose mission is to show the love of Christ by responding to the needs of our community. We share the warmth of God’s love by providing handmade hats, lap blankets, shawls and such to Mary’s House, various neonatal units, nursing homes and hospice programs. Meetings are held on Wednesdays each week in the Burleigh Center from 1 to 3 pm. We welcome new members!
Contact: Liz Zippi
(318) 773-7995
Young Adults Ministry
Young Adult Group – ANCHORED seeks to bring young adults (ages 18-39) closer to Christ through faith formation, prayer, service, and social activities. The group meets every Friday at 6:30 pm in the Burleigh Center.
Contact: Trey & Courtenay Dean
(318) 834-2695 (Trey)
(318) 230-4729 (Courtenay)