As parishioners of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton,
we worship together in praise and adoration of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We are a Christ-centered faith community
united as the Body of Christ in all we do.
In striving to become profoundly Christ-like ourselves,
we serve through our spiritual and material outreach to others,
upholding their inherent dignity.
Rev. Calvin “Butch” Burleigh 1984-1990
Rev. David Richter 1990-1995
Rev. LaVerne “Pike” Thomas 1995-2005
Rev. Philip F. Michiels 2005- 2017
Rev. Timothy C. Hurd 2017-2019
Rev. Mark Watson 2019-2020
Very Rev. Msgr. Rothell Price 2021- present
The parish is named after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the first native born American Saint, who founded the first American religious community for women, the Sisters of Charity. A convert to Catholicism, she opened the first American parish school and established the first American Catholic orphanage while raising her five children.
Our first pastor was Rev. Calvin “Butch” Burleigh. 100 families gathered for our first Mass, which was celebrated in October, 1984 in the auditorium of LSU-Shreveport. Our parish traditions of hospitality and friendliness originated during the days at LSUS. Coffee and cookies after the Masses and parish covered dish meals helped encourage fellowship and a strong sense of community. The time that we spent without a permanent building helped build a realization within our community that the church is built not of brick and mortar but of living stones. However, as our parish family grew, we needed a permanent location for our parish home. In March, 1986 we bought 10 acres in Southeast Shreveport, including our beautiful pecan orchard.
The “Family Life Center” was built in 1987 to house the sanctuary, religious education classrooms, and parish administration. The high altar is from the former St. Vincent Academy chapel. The stained glass windows behind the high altar, also from St. Vincent’s, were restored by parishioners. The buildings were dedicated October, 1987. In 1997, we dedicated a new Activities building next to the church, which was named the “Burleigh Center,” in loving memory of Fr. Butch, who passed away in May, 1990. The sanctuary was remodeled shortly afterwards, in order to accommodate our growing parish.
Rev. David Richter served as our second Pastor from 1990 to 1995. Father David's gentle and good-hearted nature served St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and other parishes in our diocese before his untimely passing in 2015.
In fall 1995, Rev. LaVerne “Pike” Thomas was named pastor, serving us for 10 years. During Fr. Pike’s tenure, the parish experienced tremendous growth, which resulted in the opening of the Burleigh Center, the addition of religious education classrooms, and the Library building, which housed our library and rooms dedicated to Christian initiation and scouting.
Rev. Philip “Phil” Michiels, came to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in July 2005. Under his leadership, ministry to the children and adults of our parish grew, and our liturgies served as source and summit of our faith which send us forth to love and serve the Lord by serving one another.
Rev. Tim Hurd came to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in September 2017 and pastored our parish until June 2019.
In July 2019 Rev. Mark Watson came to serve St. Elizabeth Ann Seton as its sixth pastor. Father Mark and the Pastoral Council developed a strategic plan for our parish.
Rev. Rothell Price was assigned Pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in October 2020 as Father Price. In December of 2022, Father Price was elevated to the title of Monsignor by Bishop Francis Malone.