Parish Councils

Parish Councils

Two formal advisory councils serve our parish: The Finance Council and the Pastoral Council. Members of the Finance Council are appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese and serve as advisors to the Pastor in matters of finance and temporal goods. Pastoral Council members are either elected by the congregation or appointed by the Pastor to advise in matters of community and ministry. We are grateful to the members of these Councils who faithfully serve for the betterment of our parish and community at large.

Parish Finance Council

Parish Pastoral Council

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee works to implement the Pastoral Plan of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish community; specifically the goals related to fostering the liturgical life and experience of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton worshiping community. Membership on this committee includes the ordained presiders, deacons, the Director of Music Ministries, community members chosen for their expertise and specialized knowledge of liturgy and those who lead or represent some of the many liturgical ministries that are present. For further information about the Liturgy Committee, contact Mike Kurley. Our Liturgy Committee members are:


Msgr. Rothell Price

Deacon Mike Whitehead

Deacon Jack Lynch

Mike Kurley

Jini Grace Sujith

Tim Doolin

Jasper & Camille Titone

Liz Zippi

Polly Tilbury

Janice Franks

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