Our Music Ministries include:
- Cantors / Psalmists
- Instrumentalists - keyboard, strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion
- Contemporary Ensemble - Saturday 4pm Mass - led by Suzan Atkins
- SEAS Choir (sings at 11:00am) - open to youth and adults
- SEAS Schola (sings at 5:00pm) - open to youth and adults
- Resurrection Choir - musicians who are available to minister at funeral liturgies
- Advent Lessons and Carols Musicians
- Seasonal Singers for Christmas, Holy Week and other special times
- Youth Choir (on hold to ascertain interest)
- Hand Chime Choir - comprised of youth (5th grade and older) and interested adults
- Music librarian - assists in maintaining music files in Music Office
- Sound Techs - tech savvy teens or adults to assist with sound adjustments
- Music Ministry Special Assistants - assist with set-up, sorting, filing and organizing music and equipment
Contact Director Mike Kurley